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Strengthen Your Spirit Through Fasting

carnivore lifestyle christian christian health fasting health intermittent fasting lifestyle coach weight loss whole body wellness May 09, 2023

Fasting allows the strength of the Spirit to reveal itself.  Learning to speak to yourself during emotional, physical and mental challenges is KEY in allowing your spirit to destroy negative thoughts just as a fasting body destroys damaged cells. 

Hey Hey,

I hope all of you are having a great week.

Today, I want to encourage you with a Word, a Truth and a Feast on the very important topic of:  Strengthening Your Spirit Through Fasting.

Building Strength Through the Struggle! 

 A Word:  "So we fasted and earnestly prayed that our God would take care of us, and he heard our prayer." Ezra 8:23

Perhaps, like me, you grew up with the idea that your food world and your faith world were, well, worlds apart.  Or maybe you just never made the connection between the sabbath, a day of rest from work, and fasting, a day of rest from asking your body to work.  

Perhaps your fear of fasting is actually a fear of discomfort.  So much of life's daily churn is filled with discomfort; why can't we just indulge in perhaps the "one thing" that brings us pleasure? 

An undisciplined body is a carnal body with an insatiable appetite for more, more, more...  It is not concerned with right or wrong, good or bad, carbohydrate or protein it only wants more.  That is, until it is fully and completely satisfied.  When you are in harmony with the real nutrition your body is craving it becomes a servant to the good and not an addict for the bad.  

Fasting strengthens the spirit.  Speaking words of affirmation, gratitude, kindness, love, support, acceptance and grace during emotional, physical and mental challenges is KEY in allowing your spirit to destroy damaging thoughts; just as fasting allows the body an opportunity to destroy damaging cells.  

Put "Fasting" to work in your life by declaring it a medicinal and spiritual prescription to rid your body and mind of life stealing damage (in your thoughts and cells).  

A Truth:  "You can't get it wrong, and you'll never get it done."  This is a truth of my life.  Every day the sun rises I am reborn in hope and spirit.  Hope filled that on this day, I will honor my life in a way that brings glory to God.  Leave yesterday behind you and start fresh with each rising of the sun.  

This can be your truth too!  

With Great Love and Abundant Blessings!


A Feast:  I hope you enjoy my very favorite breakfast combination!  I also serve egg pudding with dinner.  I can't get enough.  Throw your own spin on it by changing up the liquids, seasonings and cheeses.  This is dish is really so, so good!   

Download my FREE

Fasting:  Seven Step Survival Guide

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